Tue 21 Nov

Trending keynotes in New Zealand 2024

"What are the top keynote speaker trends for 2024?"

This year the keynote speaker trends are seeing significant shifts towards topics that reflect the evolving global and business landscapes:

  1. Artificial Intelligence: There's a focus on leveraging AI for efficiency and process improvement. Companies are exploring how to use generative AI and machine learning at scale. This trend includes education on AI’s specific use cases across various industries and raises concerns about cybersecurity​​.

  2. Belonging: Shifting from DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), the focus is now more on the concept of belonging, ensuring people feel included, heard, valued, and important. This reflects changes in societal and organizational approaches to diversity and inclusion​​.

  3. Mental Health: Mental health remains a key focus, with topics like suicide awareness, antibullying, addiction and recovery, resilience, and mindfulness. The emphasis is on destigmatising these topics and providing mental health resources and inspiration​​.

These trends highlight a move towards more inclusive, socially aware, and technologically adept keynote speaking, reflecting broader societal changes and technological advancements.

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